Workplace Health and Safety
Signms is committed to the prevention of incidents and injuries, and protecting the health and safety of all persons in the workplace.
We demonstrate this commitment through the following –
- Identifying, monitoring and complying with all applicable workplace health and safety laws, regulations, codes of practice, and standards.
- Establishing measurable targets and objectives to improve WH&S performance, ensuring ongoing monitoring and review of health and safety performance in conducted, and actively responding to, and investigating all incidents.
- Maintaining a positive safety culture by encouraging active participation, consultation and cooperation of management, all employees, contractors and visitors.
- Implementing effective risk management systems which are relevant and suitable for the organisation’s risk exposure.
- Ensuring all personnel remain directly responsible and accountable for their health, safety and welfare as well as that of other stakeholders, and that adequate resources are provided to assist in this cause.
- Providing appropriate health and safety training, instruction and supervision to all relevant persons.
- Maintaining relevant and continually improved policies, procedures, systems, information, training, recognition programs, and organisational structures to support and communicate effective health and safety practices throughout the Company.
- Facilitating consultation activities with all personnel and their representatives to ensure that all stakeholders are actively involved in decision making processes which impact on their health and safety.